Serbia Holidays Guide

Serbia's tumultuous twentieth century, where it has been both a victim and an aggressor, perhaps makes it a rather unlikely holiday destination. But in recent years, it's become extremely popular with backpackers, and those who flock here to attend music festivals and concerts. The nightlife in the cities is legendary, the people are overwhelmingly hospitable and it's far from the crowds. The beautiful Balkan mountains harbour several ski resorts, and there are several spectacular ruined castles that you can wander around, unfettered by Health and Safety warnings! Serbian food is simple but excellent, and you'll enjoy fresh bread and grilled meats wherever you go – and a lot of them, too!

Map of Serbia
Serbia Holidays Planner
There are three main cities that you're likely to visit. Belgrade has the best nightlife in Europe that has – so far – escaped the ravages of Irish pubs and stag tourists. Skadarliya is a cobbled street where numerous traditional restaurants employ gypsy bands, and Strahanjica Street is where to go if you're feeling glam. The main sight in the city is Kalmegdan Fortress; the military museum here displays part of an American plane shot down in the last Balkan War. If you're headed to the EXIT music festival, then you'll go to the lively university town of Novi Sad, which otherwise can be visited as a day trip from Belgrade. Nis in the south has the 'Skull Tower', made from the heads of unfortunate Serbs who rebelled against the Turks, as well as a nearby spa town

Belgrade-National Museum
There are many sights related to the Turkish conquest of Serbia and the Second World War, many of which have had minimal alteration over the years. They're fascinating, but don't expect much in the way of explanatory signs – the concentration camp in Nis is eerie because of the lack of visitors and, on the upper levels, any signs that it is actually now a museum. There are also remnants of the last war, including some as-yet undemolished office buildings that were bombed by Nato – be sensitive about treating them as a tourist site. If you're travelling around Serbia, then your best bet is to take coaches rather than the decrepit internal rail system.

Tara Mountain

Golubac Fort